quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2012

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/409741_3893642173533_949038277_n.jpg Vamo rever essa conta: Perdas inflacionarias de 15% , essa inflacao nao se refere ao Brasil a inflacao real brasileira no periodo foi de 3,16 , 3,96 6,09. Seria a greve a melhor maneira de conseguir o que se quer, sao os grevista os salvadores da gloria? O proprio PT subiu ao poder usando essa tatica, por tanto, ja eh provada como uma maneira de manipular as pessoas afim de ganhar discuros e poder das massas. Afinal, nada melhor do que prometer para o povo mais dinheiro, e ninguem gosta de quando a sua carteira eh esvaziada. Lembrando que o MEC deve ser o ministerio pior administrado. Falhando com a classe media a expurgando das faculdades publicas, e falhando no seu proprio Exame Nacional. O Resultado do MEC eh tao facil de prever que o seu ex chefe, Ministro Haddad ira perder a corrida para prefeito de Sao Paulo. O Governo economiza até hoje R$20 milhoes1 e a Dilma está correta de nao querer negociar com grevistas. No fim R$ 20 milhoes para o governo nao fazem diferenca, só que ninguem pensa na populacao, e voces alunos? E as pessoas que pensavam quer iriam prestar o exame da OAB, e os doentes do Brasil ficam sem medicos sendo formados das universidades federais? O fato é, o mundo inteiro está cortando gastos, e hoje em dia nao é a hora de pedir dinheiro e sim de demonstrar valor. [1] http://g1.globo.com/politica/noticia/2012/08/governo-desconta-r-206-milhoes-no-pagamento-de-servidores.html

terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012

Starting something

You got do what it takes to reach your goals. Starting and taking chances is important but breathing and keeping faith is as important as starting everything. Managing hopes through time is very difficult that`s why we should make it pass easy. Changes come to our lives when we fell they have to.
The great things don`t start with a plan but with a dream. Somewhere you have to find it inside and show as the guiding point. Because when you do that nobody can stop you. The dreams are out there, we have to go anywhere life takes us, to be happy.
That`s why the Fraternitatis wants to live and let it live!


segunda-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2012

The Circle

Through time things get weaker. Through time values change, we must find ourselves a beacon that shines a light for the wonders of our existence. We should come and realize we are ready for this beacon, this true choice, it has existed long inside us. This side must be put to act for our future! And the future starts now. Let`s not miss our opportunity to fix how things are, it`s our destiny, the things that we can give to a brighter future are unthinkable.
But Brothers we have to hurry, to rush towards this fate, we can`t miss this. Time is on! Gather in one, and in one we will walk in the path of knowledge and radiance. Let the Fraternitatis be this one! We are the first to start this and we will be the last!

In the winter, the lone wolf perishes, but the pack lives on. We must gather ourselves, like kin, like family, like brotherhood.
The time to search for differences has passed, this is the time to look for what is similar, for what is common between us. For in union resides the strength we need to survive these despicable times, and perhaps, even see a brighter day, soon.

We own this for the future! We are the Magna Fraternitatis and in ONE we are unite.

